New regulations on online tourism management services will be implemented today

Created on:2023-03-20 09:05

The National Tourism Administration said in a statement that five tourism industry standards, including requirements for the operation and service of third-party online trading platforms for travel agency products and service requirements for service outlets of travel agencies, have been approved and will take effect from July 1. The first of these new regulations is the first regulation of online tourism management services, and has a strong pertinence to the management of the current online tourism chaos, so it has attracted much attention.
From what aspects does the new regulation regulate the operation of online tourism? Does the regulation have measures to deal with the problems of "mixed" tourism companies on the Internet, the difficulty of protecting rights when tourists choose online travel services, and the leakage of user information? What impact will it have on the future of online travel? Interviews were conducted on these issues.
"Unregistered" enterprises find it difficult to establish themselves
China's online travel market has grown rapidly in recent years, creating a number of online travel companies such as Ctrip, Qunar and Tuniu. At the same time, many travel agencies have gradually expanded their business to online, and the official website has become an important way to attract customers. More and more tourists also began to get used to online inquiry information, booking product lines, and make the corresponding evaluation. "The online tourism industry is positive in promoting the country's construction of a modern service industry and giving consumers more choices." Dai Bin, president of the China Tourism Academy, first affirmed the positive significance of online tourism companies, but also pointed out that there are some problems. "Some companies publish some false travel information on the Internet, and some are suspected of violating the Tourism Law and the Travel Agency Regulations."
Browsing travel websites, we often see advertisements such as "Hong Kong X Day Tour, only 999 Yuan". The price is attractive, but there may be hidden consumption traps. In addition, some websites have false information, and even some unqualified "black travel agencies" and "black tour guides" fish in troubled waters online. Once there is a dispute, consumer consumption safety is difficult to guarantee, difficult to pay compensation.


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